Investor has updated its Diversity and Inclusion Plan

2022-01-17 04:00

In our role as a company and an owner, Investor strongly believes that different competences, perspectives and experiences are key to successfully lead businesses in a complex world. Long-term value creation is only possible if we can attract and retain the most competent individuals and talents. It is our ambition as a company to recruit from a broad talent base and contribute to a meritocratic business community free from unconscious bias.

Investor has a number of policies and instructions that govern our work as a company and owner. These are reviewed on an annual basis. As a media discussion was raised about the intention and interpretation of one of our instructions – Investor’s Diversity and Inclusion Plan – we have in conjunction with the annual policy overview, made a revision of and shortened the plan. This to avoid misinterpretations of Investor’s approach to diversity and inclusion. Following the review, we have taken out sections that relate to the statutory anti-discrimination action plan. Our Diversity and Inclusion Plan relates to our role as a company.

In all essential aspects, the revised plan reflects the same stance as before, i.e. there is no contradiction between meritocracy and diversity and inclusion, and that we have a strong belief that teams characterized by different competences, perspectives and experiences contribute to better decision making and therefore to stronger and more competitive companies.

Link to Investor’s Diversity and Inclusion Plan