Our strategy
We have a clear and well defined strategy aiming at future-proofing Investor and our companies in order to maximize long-term value.
Our ultimate target is to generate an attractive total shareholder return. Our annual return requirement is 8-9 percent (risk-free interest rate plus equity market risk premium).
Our foundation
Is our base for sustainable value creation
Long-term perspective - with a focus on industrial development to increase the competitiveness
Strong network of people - to share best practice and experience to drive value creation
Value-driven culture - that guides us in our decision making
Proven governance model - built on clear roles and responsibilities between us as an owner, the companies' boards and managements
Buy-to-build philosophy - as long as we see further value creation potential in our companies
Our business model
We invest in and build best-in-class companies and create sustainable value through our business model based on engaged ownership.
We actively support our companies in managing today’s fast-changing environment by using our well-proven engaged ownership model, which is at the core of our value creation process. We work in a structured way and apply the same approach to all companies, while acknowledging that they are in different phases in different industries.
The boards of our companies, and the chair in particular, are crucial in our ownership model. We always seek board representation and strive to ensure that the boards are the best possible in terms of relevant skills and experience. Our business teams, consisting of our board representatives and investment professionals, build deep knowledge about each company, its industry dynamics and competitive landscape, with the aim to identify key strategic value drivers. Our representatives communicate these value creation plans to the companies’ boards and chairs.
While the value creation plans differ between the companies, certain focus areas run across the portfolio. Such focus areas include digitalization, including AI, sustainability, talent management and succession planning.
In recent years, geopolitical tensions have increasingly impacted many of our portfolio companies, where the relationship between the US and China is of high importance given the size of these countries. How to successfully manage these challenges is a key topic in our dialogs with the companies.
Evaluating corporate structures continues to be high on the agenda within the portfolio. It is critical that all companies work actively with their portfolios to reduce the exposure to areas that are not strategic or will decline over time and invest in areas that will benefit from transformational trends. It is key to ensure that
sufficient resources are deployed in growth areas.
Created Impact 2023
26% Total Shareholder Return (SIXRX 19%)
SEK 13.5bn dividend paid of which SEK 3.2bn to our main owners, the Wallenberg Foundations
-82% CO2e emissions compared to 2016 (Investor AB)
-65% CO2e emissions compared to 2016 (portfolio companies)